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Showing posts with the label diamonds for engagement ring

Help sheet for the purchase of your diamond

We must admit it. Buying a diamond for an engagement ring , or for any important jewel, is not that simple. Not only is it a major purchase, but it's also a key decision because you want everything to be perfect - the style, the carat weight, the flare. Most clients take three months to find the perfect ring. Although we cannot make the process faster, we can simplify it. Here are the tips our diamond experts share with their friends… now available to you. 1. Set a budget that works for you. Forget the old advice about spending three months' pay. We have beautiful engagement ring options for all pockets and styles. Our diamond experts do not work with commissions. Argyle diamond investment's philosophy is to help you make the most of your budget. We create each ring with love and in a traditional way, and that has nothing to do with the price. 2. Be a master of the 4Cs: cut, clarity, color, and carat. Knowing the 4Cs is essential to get the most out of your budg...